Home Education Do You See Black Dots Moving?

Do You See Black Dots Moving?

Do You See Black Dots Moving?


Have you ever seen an optical illusion where there are black dots that appear to be moving, even though they are actually still? This is a common brain teaser that can be quite deceiving.
Optical illusions can tell us a lot about how our brains work. They show us that our brains are not always accurate in their interpretation of visual information. Optical illusions can also be used to study different aspects of brain function, such as attention, perception, and cognitive biases.
Here is a challenge for you
Try to see all 35 black dots in the illusion at once. If you can do this, you have successfully trained your brain to overcome the illusion.
How it works
The illusion works because of the way our brains process visual information. When we look at something, our brains don’t see the whole scene at once. Instead, they focus on small areas of the scene at a time. This is called our focal vision.
The black dots in the illusion are located at the intersections of white lines. When we focus on one of the dots, our brains try to fill in the rest of the scene using our peripheral vision. However, our peripheral vision is not as accurate as our focal vision, so our brains often make mistakes.

In the case of this illusion, our brains mistake the white lines for being slightly darker than they actually are. This makes it seem like the black dots are moving, even though they are not.
Why is it so hard to see all 35 dots at once?
It is very difficult to see all 35 black dots in the illusion at once because our brains are constantly scanning the scene. When we focus on one dot, our brains tend to ignore the other dots.
To see all 35 dots at once, you need to try to relax your focus and look at the scene as a whole. This can be difficult, but it is possible with practice.

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