By close, RIL share price settled at Rs 2,957.9 per share, down 3 per cent, as against the BSE Sensex’s 1,272-pointt (1.5 per cent) slide. A total of 13.82 million RIL equities, valued at over Rs 3,000 crore, traded on both the NSE and BSE today. RIL shares were among the top laggards of the benchmarks, Nifty 50 and BSE Sensex. RIL share accounted for nearly 22 per cent of the total loss on the BSE Sensex index on Monday.
Earlier, on Friday, September 27, 2024, RIL informed the exchanges that Reliance Industries Uruguay Petroquimica S.A. (Reliance Uruguay), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, has been voluntarily liquidated and has ceased to be a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company with effect from September 26, 2024.
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“Reliance Uruguay was a non-operating company and its contribution to the consolidated turnover and net worth of the company for the financial year 2023-24 was NIL. The company had invested an amount equivalent to Rs 0.65 crore in Reliance Uruguay,” said RIL in an exchange filing on the BSE.
Reliance Industries is India’s largest private sector company on all major financial parameters, with a consolidated revenue of Rs 10,00,122 crore (USD 119.9 billion), cash profit of Rs 1,41,969 crore (USD 17.0 billion), and net profit of Rs 79,020 crore (USD 9.5 billion) for the year ended March 31, 2024. As of September 30, 2024, Reliance Industries boasts a market capitalization of Rs 20,03,544.55 crore on the BSE.
The company is a constituent of benchmark indices Nifty50 and the 30-share Sensex.
Earlier this month, on September 5, Reliance Industries’ board approved the largest ever issuance of bonus equity shares in the Indian equity market in the ratio of 1:1, i.e., 1 new fully paid-up equity share of Rs 10 each for every 1 existing fully paid-up equity share of Rs 10 each, to the eligible equity shareholders of the company as on the record date, by capitalization of securities premium received in cash and/or general reserve and/or retained earnings.
Reliance Industries shares have yielded a return of 14.11 per cent year-to-date. Historically, RIL shares have exhibited mixed performance, as the company’s shares have dropped 2.53 per cent in the last one month, 0.47 per cent in the last six months, while they gained 27.5 per cent in the last one year, and a whopping 128.11 per cent in the last five years.
First Published: Sep 30 2024 | 3:19 PM IST