Ganesh Chaturthi, one of the most important Hindu festivals, will begin from September 7. Also known as Vinayaka Chaturthi or Ganesh Utsav, this celebration marks the birth of Lord Ganesha, the beloved elephant-headed deity, known for his wisdom and worshipped as an obstacle remover. Devotees bring an idol of Lord Ganesha to the ten-day festival and worship him for ten days (though many people worship him for five or three days).
The celebration, related to Lord Ganesh, is observed for various reasons in various regions of the world. The birth of Lord Ganesha on Ganesh Chaturthi is one of the most well-known reasons for the celebration of Ganesh Utsav. In states like Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and others, the festival is celebrated with a great fervour and enthusiasm.
Ganesh Chaturthi 2024: Shubha Mahurat (ritual time)
Madhyahna Ganesha Puja Muhurat – 11:03 am to 1:34 pm, September 7
Chaturthi Tithi starts- 3:01 pm on September 6, 2024
Chaturthi Tithi conclusion- 5:37 pm on September 7, 2024
Ganpati Bappa idol sthapana time – 11:03 am to 1:34 pm, September 7
Brahma Muhurta – 4:31 am to 5:16 am
Vijaya Muhurta – 2:24 pm to 3:14 pm
Ganesh Visarjan (ends) – Tuesday, September 17.
Ganesh Chaturthi: History
Puranas say that on the fourth day of the month in the Hindu calendar, Saka Samwat, devotees observe a fast and worship Lord Ganesha on Chaturthi. Ganesha is said to have been born on Bhadra Chaturthi, which falls between August and September.
Even though Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated as Lord Ganesha’s birthday, freedom fighter Lokmanya Tilak revived the celebration of Ganesh Utsav in Maharashtra, making it more popular among the general public.
Through his efforts, the festival became a ten-day celebration. On the tenth day of the celebration, devotees carry Ganesha idols alongside singing and moving to drench it in water. The name of the procession is Visarjana.
Rituals of Ganesh Chaturthi
Selecting a Ganesha Idol: It is considered very lucky to choose an idol of Lord Ganesha. Because it is a representation of happiness and prosperity, a sitting Ganesha idol is suggested. In addition, it would be ideal for the idol to depict one of Ganesha’s hands in a blessing position and the other holding a modak, a deity-favored sweet.
Installation Direction: It is essential to position the Ganesha idol so that it faces the north side and is erected in the northeast direction of your home. First, pick a clean platform, cover it with a cloth, and set the idol on it. It is believed that this position brings blessings and positive energy into the home.
Worship Rituals: As part of the purification ceremony, rice and pure Gangajal (holy water) should be sprinkled on the deity after it has been installed. Along with the idol, you must also place Riddhi and Siddhi, which are representations of spiritual power and prosperity.
On the idol’s right side, a water container should be placed. Make an offering of flowers, fruits, and sweets, particularly modaks, to Lord Ganesha following these preparations. Finish the ritual of worship by reciting mantras and waving lighted lamps in front of the deity in the form of an aarti.
What is the significance of the Ganesh Chaturthi?
The celebration is also known as Ganesh Utsav or Vinayaka Chaturthi. Lord Ganesha is also known as ‘Vignaharta’, and that implies the one who removes hurdles. The celebration is an ideal chance for devotees to look for help from above for life’s regular difficulties.
First Published: Sep 03 2024 | 10:50 AM IST