Mumbai: In a recent revelation, director Dharmesh Darshan shared that Aishwarya Rai Bachchan was his first choice to play the female lead in Raja Hindustani (1996), alongside Aamir Khan. The film, which went on to become one of the biggest hits of the 90s and cemented Aamir Khan and Karisma Kapoor’s on-screen chemistry, had an interesting casting backstory.
Dharmesh Darshan explained that although Aishwarya was his initial choice for the role of Memsaab, she had to turn it down due to her commitment to the Miss World pageant in 1994. He noted that he needed an actress who could fully dedicate her time to the project, which is why the role eventually went to Karisma Kapoor. He told Bollywood Hungama,” Aishwarya was also my first choice for the role of Memsaab in Raja Hindustani (1996). My heart was on her. But she urgently had to go for Miss World. I didn’t want to take any chances as I wanted an actress who could devote her full time to the film and Bollywood. It was her sheer grace that she didn’t hold it in her heart.”
Despite this, Dharmesh shared that he had a special admiration for Aishwarya’s grace and professionalism. He added that Aishwarya understood the situation and did not hold any grudges.
Dharmesh also recalled how, in later years, Aishwarya appeared in a brief cameo role opposite Faisal Khan in Mela (2000), despite her prominent standing in the industry. This further showed her humility and willingness to contribute to a project even in a small capacity.
Raja Hindustani went on to become a massive success, earning Karisma Kapoor her first Filmfare Award for Best Actress and securing Aamir Khan’s position as a top star in Bollywood. The chemistry between the two leads was one of the film’s highlights, making it a memorable hit of the decade. However, it’s fascinating to learn that Aishwarya was initially considered for the iconic role, and the casting shift was due to circumstances beyond her control.